escalator - Ruchome schody, trolley - Wózek sklepowy, bakery - They bake there bread or buns, reply - The answer for question , faints - When somebody loses consciousness he, tent - You can use it as a shelter from the rain when you're on a trip in the forest, roof - It has a chimney, heart - In human body it's working as pump, footwear - Otherwise shoes, big headed - You can say that about a person who thinks he knows everything, strips - The prisoners have them on their clothes, curtains - You have them on your window, pillow - It's usally in the shape of square or rectangle and you sleep on it, jaw - Szczęka, toe - So called leg finger, instant - natychmiastowy, washingmashine - Device that is used in all modern houses to wash your clothes, sweep - Word "swept" in infinitive form,


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