1) I ____________ football in the morning. a) don't playing b) don't play c) no play 2) We ____________ breakfast in the evening. a) no have b) don't having c) don't have 3) You _________ your homework at school. a) don't do b) not do c) don't doing 4) I _________ TV at midnight. a) no watch b) don't watch c) don't watching 5) We __________ to school on weekends. a) don't go b) not go c) not going 6) I ________ a shower in the afternoon. a) not have b) don't have c) not having 7) They ________ pizza Hawaii. a) don't eat b) not eating c) no eat 8) I ________ brush my teeth three times a day. a) no brush b) don't brush c) don't brushing 9) They __________ play chess every day. a) don't play b) not play c) don't playing 10) I _______ to sleep in the afternoon. a) not go b) don't going c) don't go

Daily routine - negative


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