1) True or false, Guy Fawkes was born a Protestant? a) True b) False 2) Is it true there is an island named Isla Guy Fawkes? a) Yes b) No 3) True or false, It was illegal not to celebrate bonfire night until 1959 a) True b) False 4) True or false, St' Peters school in York is the only place in England not to celebrate bonfire night aa show of respect to their former pupil Guy Fawkes? a) False b) True 5) When did searching of the cellars before the opening of parliament start? a) 1606 b) 1705 c) 1905 d) 1610 e) 1805 f) 1970 6) Who was the first-ever person to host a fireworks display? a) Henry VII b) James I c) Elizabeth I d) Henry VIII e) Charles I f) Mary I 7) During the 1st and 2nd World Wars it was illegal to light what? a) Fireworks b) Both c) Bonfires d) Neither 8) How were fireworks invented? a) By a chef in London b) By a soldier in Spain c) By a chef in China d) By a soldier in China 9) True or false, Guy Fawkes was born in Spain? a) True b) Flalse 10) What was the initial plan to store gunpowder under parliament? a) Digging a tunnel under Parliament b) On a boat c) Renting a cellar

Gunpowder Plot Quiz


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