1) WHERE IS THE BLUE KID? a) The blue kid is UNDER the door b) The blue kid is ON the door c) The blue kid is BEHIND the door 2) WHERE IS THE GREEN KID? a) The green kid is BEHIND the cupboard b) The green kid is IN FRONT OF the cupboard c) The green kid is UNDER the cupboard 3) WHERE IS THE PINK KID? a) The pink kid is ON the bin b) The pink kid is UNDER the bin c) The pink kid is IN the bin 4) WHERE IS THE PURPLE KID? a) The purple kid is IN the clock b) The purple kid is ON the clock c) The purple kid is BEHIND the clock 5) WHERE IS THE RED KID? a) The red kid is IN the lamp b) The red kid is ON the lamp c) The red kid is UNDER the lamp 6) WHERE IS THE YELLOW KID? a) The yellow kid is IN FRONT OF the carpet b) The yellow kid is BEHIND the carpet c) The yellow kid is UNDER the carpet 7) WHERE IS THE ORANGE KID? a) The orange kid is UNDER the desk b) The orange kid is ON the desk c) The orange kid is BEHIND the desk



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