(1) If the weather is nice tomorrow .... , (1) If I save enough money, ..., (1) If I get a well-paid job in the future, ..., (1) If I study hard for the next test, ..., (2) If I won the lottery, ..., (2) If I knew 5 different languages, ...., (2) If I had the possibility to travel in time, ..., (2) If I had the opportunity to choose my superpower, ..., (2) If I were a president, ..., (2) If I could have any job I wanted, ..., (2) If my parents were famous film stars, ..., (2) If I could travel to any place in the world, ..., (2) If I could meet any celebrity I wanted to, ..., (2) If I were immortal, ..., (2) If I had to eat only eat one food for the rest of your life, ..., (2) If I were famous, ..., (3) If I had been born in China, ..., (3) If I had studied harder in the past, ..., (3) If I had been born 100 years earlier, ..., (3) If my parents had taught me 4 different languages, ..., (3) If I had chosen a different school, ..., (3) If I had had more time in the past, ....

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