1) The train ... at the station today at 4 o'clock. a) arrives b) will arrive c) is arriving 2) We ... to Paris next Monday. a) are traveling b) are going to travel c) will travel 3) If he doesn't start studying, he ... the exam. a) is going to fail b) is failing c) will fail 4) The shop ... at 8 o'clock every day. a) opens b) will open c) is going to open 5) I ... my brothers later today. a) will meet b) am meeting c) meet 6) In 20 years' time cars ... a) will fly b) are going to fly c) are flying 7) In the summer I ... to New York. a) will go b) am going to go c) go 8) I hope they ... soon, I've lost my patience.  a) will arrive b) arrive c) are arriving 9) We are about to graduate business school so we ... our own business before too long. a) are going to open b) will open c) open 10) By the end of the month, I............... working here for six months. a) will work b) will have worked c) am working 11) According to the weather forecast, ............. tomorrow. a) it'll rain b) it's going to rain c) it's raining 12) It's my 18th birthday next month, so ............... a party. a) I'm on the point of having b) I'm having c) I'll be having 13) When you get to the airport, someone ............. for you. a) is going to be waiting b) is due to be waiting c) will be waiting 14) We've run out of fuel. .............. a) What do we do now? b) What will we do now? c) What are we going to do now? 15) Paula's flight is bound to be late, although it............ at six. a) arrives b) is arriving c) is due to arrive 16) It's no use phoning Bob at the office, he............ a) will be leaving b) will have left c) is leaving 17) I don't feel like visiting my relatives this year, so ........... a) I won't be going. b) I'm not going. c) I don't go. 18) Can you send me the results as soon as you ........... anything? a) hear b) are hearing c) will have heard 19) In two days' time, I ............... on my yacht. a) am relaxing b) will relax c) will be relaxing 20) What time ...........................? a) is the plane due to arrive b) is the plane arriving

Expressing the Future


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