shout - pay for, to rock with - to have with, to rock - to be to be good at/to look good in (eg. a suit, a dress), fellas - men, hand out - distribute (to give out) to people, tuck in - begin eating, couldn't go past - couldn't ignore / had to choose, chill out - relax, sit back - get comfortable in the place you are sitting, fire up - start (eg. a car; a bbq; a party..., mate - a word some Australians use to mean 'friend', mate(2) - a word some Australians use when they don't know your name, Straya - a lazy or funny way to say 'Australia', 's'arvo - this afternoon, morning / mornin' - short form of 'Good morning' - very casual,

Term 1 2022 Idiom EAL II


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