Jiikendam - he/she is happy, Inini aakozi. - The man is sick., Gitimi - he/she is lazy, Ikwe abwezo. - The woman is sweaty., wiisagendam - he/she is hurting, maanendam - he/she is sorry/sad, Gwiiwizens giiwanaadizi. - The boy is crazy., noondenibaa - he/she is sleepy, noondeminikwe - he/she is thirsty, nishkaadizi - he/she is angry, Inini ayekozi. - The man is tired., Ikwezens gotaaji. - The girl is afraid., Ikwe giizhoozi. - The woman is warm., Ikwezens ondendam. - The girl is jealous., agaji - he/she is shy/bashful, Gwiiwizens mino-ayaa. - The boy is well., Inini minwendam. - The man is glad., goopadendam - he/she is feeling down, zegizi - he/she is scared,

VAI Ch 2 Sentence Unscramble


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