25 Mt. Climbers, 30 Jumping Jacks, 30 Crunches, 10 Burpees, 15 Squat jumps, Everyone dance for 20 seconds!!!!, 25 Flutter Kicks, 12 High plank rotations, 40 Line hops, 20 Superman swims, Compliment someone else, 10 Second quad stretch per leg, 20 Side lunges, Do your best cartwheel, 20 Second down dog stretch, 40 Second jump rope, 30 Russian twists, 25 Calf raises, 30 Second bear crawl, 15 Second arm stretch per side, 20 Skaters, Griddy to the closest wall and run back, 20 Crab toe touches, 30 Second plank hold, 12 High to low planks, 15 Floor dips, High 5 someone, 30 Second glute bridge hold (to wheel?), 30 Bicycle crunches, 10 Inch worms, 10 Donkey kicks per leg, 12 Good mornings, Reverse plank for 30 seconds, 12 Curtsey lunges, Have a thumb war with someone (loser do 5 push-ups), Ask someone what they are doing this weekend., 20 High knees, 10 Push-ups, 14 High Plank Pike Toe Touch, 1 minute of Arm circles, Do your best hand stand, 20 reverse lunges, 30 seconds of butt kickers, 10 genie sits, 20 crunches, 16 high plank shoulder tap, Sprint and touch all four walls!!!, Dunk on somebody or do your best touchdown dance, Hanging toe touch stretch for 20 seconds, 15 toe touch crunches.

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