critic - a person who writes (a review) about the good / bad qualities of books, concerts, theater, movies, etc. , sports commentator - a person who describes a sports event while it's happening on TV or radio., reporter - a person who collects and reports news for newspapers , radio or TV, editor - a person in charge of a newspaper or magazine, or part of one, and decides what should be in it., news anchor - a person who hosts or is the main person who introduces the news on a TV or radio news program., freelance journalist - a person who writes articles for different papers and is not employed by any one paper., newscaster - a person who reads news on TV or radio., paparazzi - photographers who follow famous people around to get photos of them to sell to newspapers and magazines., advice columnist - a person who writes in a newspaper or magazine giving advice to people in reply to their letters,

Unit 8B - the media - Journalists and people in the media


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