1) to show approval or enjoyment by cheering a) peer b) applaud c) disclose d) vain 2) skilled at tricking others a) crafty b) progress c) exclaim d) drab 3) to make known a) exclaim b) refine c) disclose d) applaud 4) dull, without color or cheer a) intend b) exclaim c) drab d) peer 5) whole or complete a) crafty b) jeer c) entire d) vain 6) to speak suddenly and with strong feeling a) exclaim b) jeer c) disclose d) peer 7) finely done or beautiful a) disclose b) progress c) exquisite d) peer 8) to plan or have in mind a) jeer b) scoundrel c) exclaim d) intend 9) to scorn or mock a) jeer b) entire c) refine d) peer 10) to look closely at a) peer b) exquisite c) uneasy d) refine 11) to move toward a goal a) progress b) exclaim c) crafty d) refine 12) to make pure or have good manners a) scoundrel b) exquisite c) disclose d) refine 13) a mean or wicked person a) disclose b) intend c) scoundrel d) uneasy 14) uncomfortable, worried, or nervous a) progress b) uneasy c) crafty d) scoundrel 15) thinking too highly of yourself or without success a) vain b) peer c) drab d) uneasy

Adam Week 6 Spelling & Vocab


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