What are "basic needs"?, What is an animal's habitat?, List four examples of basic needs an animal may have., What is an ecosystem?, What are the two basic types of ecosystems?, What is a "population"?, What is a "community"?, List two animals that live in the Arctic Tundra., How is a polar bear adapted to survive in the Arctic Tundra? Say two ways., Give an example of a population that lives in grasslands., Give an example of a population that lives in the ocean., Are deserts always cold? Why?, How are cacti (cactus) adapted to survive in the desert? Say one way., How are camels adapted to survive in the desert? Say two ways., How is a fennec fox adapted to survive in the desert? Say one way., Why do some animals that live in the desert have thick fur?, Why do fennec foxes have long ears?, Is a group of macaws that live in the Amazon a population or a community?, What is a "blubber"?.

Phenomenal Science - Where do animals live? Review


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