1) What are the examples of Igneous Rocks? a) Granite, Shale, limestone b) Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic c) Obsidian, Granite, Pumice d) Slate, Gneiss, Marble 2) Rocks are divided into three groups according to their ______? a) Size b) Formation c) Weight d) Age 3) What are the types of rocks? a) Granite, Pumice, Obsidian b) Clastic, Organic, Chemical c) Physical, Biological, Chemical d) Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic 4) What are the two (2) types of Igneous Rock? a) Intrusive and Extrusive b) Internal and External c) Heat and Pressure d) Foliated and Non-Foliated 5) What is Extrusive Igneous Rock? a) When lava goes out as a magma and cools down on the surface b) When magma goes out as a lava and cools down on the surface c) When magma cools down inside the surface d) when lava cools down inside the surface 6) Which of the following are TRUE? a) Both Intrusive and Extrusive rocks are formed outside the Earth's surface. b) Intrusive rocks are formed outside the Earth's surface. c) Intrusive rocks are quicker in cooling down d) Extrusive Rocks have fine grains or no grains at all 7) What is sediments a) Fragments of rock that have been broken down as a result of weathering b) The process of breaking down into smaller pieces c) Formed through deposition d) heat and pressure in rocks 8) What type of weathering is happening because of living things breaking the rocks into pieces? a) Physical weathering b) Biological weathering c) Chemical weathering d) All of the above 9) Sediments are classified according to sizes, TRUE OR FALSE? a) TRUE b) FALSE 10) What type of sedimentary rock is Inorganic Land-derived sedimentary rocks  a) Clastic sedimentary rocks b) Organic sedimentary rocks c) Chemical sedimentary rocks d) All of the above 11) Fern in shale is an example of what type of sedimentary rock? a) Clastic sedimentary rocks b) Organic sedimentary rocks c) Chemical sedimentary rocks d) All of the above 12) Limestone can form by the precipitation of calcium carbonate in water. TRUE OR FALSE? a) TRUE b) FALSE 13) Sedimentary rocks can only be found in the water? TRUE OR FALSE? a) TRUE b) FALSE 14) When other rocks get heated and squeezed below the Earth’s surface. It forms what type of rock? a) Igneous b) Sedimentary c) Metamorphic d) All of the above 15) The process of forming metamorphic rocks. a) Metamorphic b) Metamorphism c) Pressure d) Heat 16) What are the two types of Metamorphism? a) Foliated and Non-Foliated b) Heat and Pressure c) Contact and Regional d) Intrusive and Extrusive 17) Marble is an example of Foliated Rocks. TRUE OR FALSE a) TRUE b) FALSE 18) Slate is made from ________. It is _________ rocks as it has bands. a) Sheiss : Foliated b) Sheiss: Non-Foliated c) Shale ; Non-Foliated d) Shale ; Foliated 19) Which rock is marble came from? a) Sheiss b) Limestone c) Gneiss d) Shale 20) Refers to the breaking and moving of rocks. a) Weathering b) Erosion c) High d) Pressure 21) The __________ of a tree can grow into cracks of a rock and cause it to split apart. a) Leaves b) Roots c) Fruit d) Trunk 22) __________ temperature and pressure can cause a sedimentary rock to become a metamorphic rock. a) High b) Low c) Heat d) Hot 23) When igneous rocks __________ they become magma. a) cool b) melt c) break down d) erosion 24) What are the factors of erosion a) Wind b) Water c) Waves d) All of the above 25) Describe the process how pieces of metamorphic rocks become a sedimentary rock. a) melting the rock  b) cooling the rock c) erosion and sedimentation d) eroding the rock 26) Rocks can change from one type to another ØRocks can change from one type to another Rocks can change from one type to another. TRUE OR FALSE?  a) TRUE b) FALSE 27) Diamond is a ____________ which is used to make knives for medical surgeries. a) Soft rock b) Hard rock c) Soft mineral d) Hard mineral 28) What type of rock does fossil usually found? a) Igneous b) Sedimentary c) Metamorphic d) All of the above 29) What do we call the people who stude the fossil? a) Fossilogist b) Paleontologist c) Astronaut d) None of the above 30) What are the two types of fossils? a) Heat and Pressure b) Foliated and Non-Foliated c) Body and Head d) Body and Trace e) Skeleton and Bones 31) What does fossil tell us? a) tell us the history of an environment. b) tell us the actual age of rocks c) tell us the relationship of rocks d) tell us how they died 32) Which rock layers contain the oldest fossil? a) the top most layer b) the middle layer c) the most bottom layer d) we cannot identify 33) Which statement is correct about a Fossil? a) remains of the plants only b) remains of the animals only c) remains of the dead living things d) none of the above 34) A rock that is usually used for weapon and jewelry. A rock that is commonly used for jewelry and sharp objects A rock that is commonly used for jewelry and sharp objects. a) Granite b) Obsidian c) Pumice d) Diorite 35) Describe the cooling rate of the Intrusive Rocks. Describe the cooling rate of the Intrusive Rocks Describe the cooling rate of the Intrusive Rocks  a) Quickly b) Slowly c) Fast d) All of the above


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