1) .... your sister ride a bike when she .... 4 years old? a) Did, were b) Could, were c) Could, was 2) ... her last project successful?  a) Were b) Could c) Was 3) ... you find the keys easily? They ... on my desk. a) Could, was b) Did, was c) Could, were 4) .... Picasso, who ... born in Malaga, the greatest Spanish painter? a) Were, was b) Did, was c) Was, was 5) .... you busy yesterday? ... you have a lot of paperwork? a) Did, Did b) Were, Did c) Was, Could 6) ..... you at the concert last weekend? .... you see the stage clearly? a) Did, Could b) Were, Could c) Was, Did 7) Where .... the twins last Friday? .... they play the football match? a) was, Did b) were, Was c) were, Did 8) How many cars ..... he crash during his racing career? I really have no idea. a) could b) was c) were 9) .... you sleep well or .... the party next door terribly noisy? a) Could, did b) Could, was c) Did, could 10) .... you have a great time or ... you bored? a) Did, was b) Could, was c) Did, were


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