Did you study English at school? What do you remember?, Which country would you like most to visit?, Tell us what you like to do in the evening?, What sort of clothes do you like? What are you wearing right now?, What's your favourite time of the year?, Where do you live? Do you like it? Why? Why not?, Do you enjoy studying English? Why?, What did you do yesterday evening?, What do you do in your free time?, Talk about your family, What do you usually do at the weekends?, What did you do last weekend?, What is the best day of the week for you?, Tell us about TV programs you like, What will you be doing at this time next year?, What sports do you like doing?, What would you like to do if you had more free time?, What is your favourite website?, Have you ever been abroad?, How often do you like shopping? When was the last time?, Talk about the best teacher in your life, What goals do you have for the future?, Do you prefer mornings or evenings?, What kind of music do you like to listen to?, Do you like reading? Do you think reading is important? Why?, How do you usually celebrate your birthday?, do you have a healthy lifestyle?, What is your favourite month? Why?, What is the most beautiful city you have ever visited? and the ugliest one?, What things do you usually read?, How do you imagine your life in 10 years?, What is your favourite season? Why?, What is the most beautiful film you have ever seen?, What did you do last summer?, What would you do if you were the mayor of your town?, Would you like to live in another country?, Talk about a special occasion you celebrete with your family, What is your favourite day of the year?, When was the last time you spent a good time with friends?, Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future?, Do you prefer watching a film at home or at the cinema? Why?, Describe one of the happiest day in your life, What is the next place you are going to visit?, Are you planning to do anything interesting this weekend?, What do you usually watch on TV in the evening?, Describe one moment in your life that you will never forget it, Talk about a happy memory from your childhood, Do you prefer living in a big city or in the countryside?, What are the advantages and disadvantages of new technologies?, Describe your best friend.



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