1) Which famous psychologist conducted experiments to observe childrens agressive behaviours a) Bandura b) Skinner c) Pavlov d) Piaget 2) What toy was used to demonstrate aggressive behaviour in children a) drums b) building bricks c) Bobo doll d) Sticks 3) What theory was created from this experiment a) Operant conditioning b) classical conditioning c) social learning theory d) cognitive behaviour therapy 4) what is the correct order for the processes in SLT a) Attention, retention reproduction motivation b) Attention reproduction retention motivation c) Motivation reproduction attention retention d) motivation attention retention reproduction 5) A tendency to repeat behiours of others that have been rewarded a) Vicarious Punishment b) Vicarious Extinction c) Vicarious staggering d) Vicarious reinforcement 6) A tendency not to repeat the behaviour of others that recieve a negative reponse a) Vicarious Punishment b) Vicarious Reinforcement c) Vicarious Staggering d) Vicarious extinction 7) A tendency not to repeat behaviours you consistently see others not getting a reward for a) Vicarious Punishment b) Vicarious Reinforcement c) Vicarious Extinction d) Vicarious behaviour 8) Learning that has taken place and stored in a persons memory a) delayed learning b) Latent Learning c) stored learning d) saved learning 9) Behaviour copied by an individual's role model a) latent learning b) Modelling c) Imitation d) copying 10) Behaviour displayed by a role model a) Modelling b) Imitation c) copying d) professional 11) a person is more likely to display similar behaviour to their role model if.... a) Older & same gender b) same gender & younger c) different gender & same age d) same gender & age 12) A role model is seen as positive if.... a) has low status and is likeable b) has high status and is likeable c) has high status and is unlikeable d) has low status and is unlikeable 13) Does social learning theory support a) nature debate b) nuture debate 14) Observational Learning is..... a) Learning from practice b) Learning from reading about a persons behaviour c) learning from listening to another persons behaviour d) learning from seeing an individual behave in a particular way 15) Whcih of the following did not happen in the experiment a) Children saw a role model playing with tinker toys b) The role model watched the child being aggressive to the Bobo doll c) The child was exposed to both aggressive and non-aggressive toys d) The child was observed through a one way mirror 16) Which of the following term is a key term used in SLT a) modelling b) imagination c) implication d) copying


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