1) He squandered away his …………………………….. a) inherit b) inheritabilty c) inheritance 2) He behaved …………………………. a) strangely b) strange c) stranger 3) What a ……………………………… picture. a) fascinate b) fascinating c) fascinated 4) Students are required to ………………………….. each poem a) memory b) memorize c) memorial 5) Greedy people will never get any ………………………….. in their life. a) satisfaction b) satisfy c) satisfied 6) The boy has got …………………………… manners. a) pleased b) pleasantest c) pleasant 7) My friend did not …………………………….. to my letter. a) respond b) response c) responsible 8) He has ………………………… expertise in the construction of low cost homes. a) considerate b) considerable c) consideration 9) It was ………………………….. for the woman to watch the suffering of her child. a) agonizing b) agony c) agonistic 10) All the members of the family have a rightful claim to their ……………………………… home. a) ancestral b) ancestors c) ancestry 11) I am very ________ about going to Mexico. a) excited b) exciting c) excitable 12) I am an ________ person. I don't like to rely on others. a) independence b) dependent c) independent 13) This news might ________ the outcome of the election. a) affect b) effect c) inflict 14) I was very ________, but I pretended that I was interested. a) boring b) bored c) boredom 15) Can you ________ me one of your pens? a) lend b) borrow c) borrowed 16) She is very rich. She has ________ money. a) a lot of b) much c) lots 17) One of my two sisters is coming to visit tomorrow. ________ is staying at home. a) Another one b) The other one c) Other one 18) You must ________ the book that you borrowed from the library. a) return back b) return again c) return 19) When did she get married ________ him? a) to b) with c) on 20) Sorry, I can't visit you on Saturday. ________ dinner with some friends. a) I'll have b) I have c) I am having



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