this is a piece of furniture with shelves on which people keep books, this is a piece of furniture that is soft and comfortable and one person can sit on it, this is a piece of furniture that is soft and comfortable and two or more people can sit on it, this is a small table for magazines and a phone, this is a small table that people use to put coffee cups on, this is a piece of furniture that people can sit on but it is less comfortable than an armchair, this is an electronic device that broadcasts films, cartoons, shows and a lot of ads, this is a place, usually in a wall, where you can connect electrical devices to the electricity supply, it's a sound system in which the sound is played through two speakers, it's a small control for a lamp which you use to turn it on or off, this is a machine on which you can play CDs, this is a combination of lines and shapes which are drawn or painted on a surface and show a person, thing, or scene, these are large pieces of material which you hang from the top of a window, it's a thick soft material which is laid over a floor ,


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