shopping plaza - A building with lots of shops all in the same place, cycle lane - A small part of the road where bicycles can ride, residential area - An area of the city with lots of houses and flats, green space - Natural areas, or parks in the city-ground, pedestrian zone - Part of the city where there are no cars or bicycles, carbon-neutral - Something that saves the same amount of energy as it uses, city centre - The most important part of the city, downtown - The inner city, traffic congestion - A situation with a lot of slowly moving (or stopped) cars involved, high-rise apartment blocks - Very tall buildings of flats, urban sprawl - The way a city spreads into undeveloped land around it, often without planning permission, ubiquitous - Available everywhere, to be found or known everywhere, off the grid - Without facilities such as an electricity or water supply, smart city - Integrates information and communication technology (ICT), as well as computers and various physical devices connected to the internet to optimize the efficiency of city operations and services and connect to citizens,


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