1) How are you? a) Good b) John c) See you 2) Have a good evening! a) Good morning! b) Thank you. You too. c) Nice to meet you. 3) Nice to meet you a) Nice to meet you, too. b) I'm fine, thanks. c) Thank you. 4) Are you here for an English class? a) Yes. b) Yes, you are. c) Yes, I am. 5) Are you here for the concert? a) No, you aren't b) No. c) No, I'm not. 6) Are you married? a) Yes, I'm. b) Yes, I am not. c) Yes, I am. 7) How are you doing? a) By car. b) I'm pretty good, thanks. c) You're good. 8) Have a nice evening. a) Thanks you. You too. b) Thank's. You too. c) Thanks. You too.


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