1) This can tell us what people used to hunt animals. a) Pot b) Arrow head 2) This can tell us how people made and kept food. a) Pot b) Brooch 3) This can tell us how people used money in the past. a) Gold Coin b) Helmet 4) This can tell us what jewellery people had. a) Brooch b) Pot 5) This can tell us how people protected themselves when fighting others. a) Helmet b) Brooch 6) Frank never says ‘hello’ when he meets people. He’s very ______ a) unfriendly b) clever 7) When the dog saw the little boy in the cold, fast river, he jumped in to help him. a) He's brave b) He's clever 8)  Emma and Katy always say ‘hello’ to the people who they meet. a) They are friendly b) they are interesting 9) Harry’s got a lot of friends. Everybody wants to be with him a) He's popular b) he's happy 10) Our history teacher’s brilliant. We’re never bored because his lessons are a) interesting b) clever

4th Children


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