1) I ..... tall. I ......... short legs a) am not, have got b) am , haven't got c) is, hasn't d) are, hasn't got 2) My friend ....... cute (милые) eyes. Her eyes ..... big and green a) has got, is b) have got, are c) has got, are 3) My dog ...... happy. He ........ a bone (косточка) a) are, have got b) has got , is c) is , has got 4) Her legs .......... short. She ........ tall. a) isn't , is b) aren't, is c) aren't, are 5) A panda .......... long tail, but it .......... a short tail. a) has got , hasn't got b) hasn't got , has got c) have got , haven't got

have got has got/ hasn't got haven't got /am is are/ am not isn't aren't


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