1) how many major groups of nutrients are there? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 4 e) 8 f) 0 2) what shape is the food pyrimad? a) idk b) triangle c) circle d) square e) rectangle f) all the above 3) how are portion diffrent from servings (choose 2)   a) portions are big and servings are small b) portions are the food you choose c) servings are the messured amount of food 4) two examples of carbohydrates a) bread,wheat b) milk,egg c) chicken,salt d) cake,coke e) cearal,oranges f) fruit 5) what do calories messure? a) nothing b) the fat you get by each serveing c) the energy you get from each serveing 6) which vitamin will you get the most of a) Vitamin C b) Vitamin E c) Vitamin A d) Vitamin D 7) whats the last step in the digestive system? a) absorbation b) elemanation c) mechanical d) chemical e) movement f) ingestion 8) chemical meaing? a) breaking down food using enzymes b) absorbing food c) ingestion d) breaking food down apart from crushing,blending. 9) what does the esophgus do? a) moves food from mouth to stomach b) absorbs food down c) breakes the food from vitamins and minreals 10) what does the mouth do? a) breaks down food using teeth,tounge + saliva b) swallows food and checks if its good or bad 11) whats the soupie mixture found in the stomach called? a) epiglottis b) chyme c) esophugus d) small intestine

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