1) After I got home from the office, I was too tired to ________ the housework. a) MAKE b) DID c) MADE  d) DO 2) It's obvious that Steve _____ up those stories yesterday. a) DONE b) MADE c) MAKE d) DO 3) Do you mind ______ a presentation for the meeting? a) DONE b) DO c) MAKES d) DOING 4) I enjoy my job, but I don’t _____ very much money. a) DID b) MAKES c) MAKE d) DONE 5) I should _______ my bed  a) MAKES b) MAKING c) MAKE d) DO e) DOING 6) Should I buy a desktop or a laptop computer? I can’t ______ up my mind. a) MAKE b) MAKING c) DID d) MAKES e) DO 7) Are you ________ anything special for your birthday? a) DO b) DOING c) MAKE  d) MAKING 8) 3.It's hard to ______ that building out from here. a) DID b) DO c) MAKE d) MADE 9) I guess I'll ____ a course in French. a) MAKES b) DO c) MAKE d) DONE 10) I haven't _____ the report yet and it's already 10pm! a) DONE b) MAKE c) DID d) MAKES 11) Please excuse me – I need to ______ a phone call. a) DID b) DO c) MAKES d) MAKE 12) I must go now. I have to ____ dinner  a) MAKE b) MAKING c) DO d) DOES

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