1) Which of the following is a mechanical property? a) Compressive strength b) Electrical conductor c) Magnetism d) Density 2) Which of the following is not a mechanical property a) Corrosion resistance b) Plasticity c) Malleability d) Shear strength 3) Which is the correct description of - Hardness a) Ability to resist abrasive wear b) Abilty to absorb impact c) abilty to resit forces that may bend the material d) Ability to resit stretching 4) Which is the correct description of - Toughness a) Abilty to absorb impact b) Ability to resist abrasive wear c) abilty to resit forces that may bend the material d) Ability to resit stretching 5) Which is the correct description of - Tensile strength a) Abilty to absorb impact b) Ability to resist abrasive wear c) Ability to resit stretching d) abilty to resit forces that may bend the material 6) Which is the correct description of - Bending strength a) Abilty to absorb impact b) Ability to resist abrasive wear c) Ability to resit stretching d) abilty to resit forces that may bend the material 7) Which is the correct description of - Magnetism a) prevents transfer of heat b) the natural force that causes the material to attach to iron c) allows flow of electricity d) ability to withstand environmental attack 8) Which is the correct description of - Corrosion resistance a) the natural force that causes the material to attach to iron b) ability to withstand environmental attack c) prevents transfer of heat d) allows flow of electricity 9) Which is the correct description of Electrical conductor a) allows flow of electricity b) the natural force that causes the material to attach to iron c) prevents transfer of heat d) ability to withstand environmental attack 10) Which description describes mechanical properties a) Associated with how a material reacts to an external forceAssociated with how a material reacts to an external force b) Associated with the actual make up or structure


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