adventurous - willing to try new and often difficult things, ambitious - wanting to be successful or powerful, arrogant - believing that you are better or more important than other people, bossy - always telling other people what to do, caring - kind and supporting other people, cheerful - happy, dishonest - not honest and likely to lie or do something illegal, easy-going - relaxed and not easily upset or worried, generous - giving people a lot of money, presents, or time in a kind way, hard-working - doing a job seriously and with a lot of effort, helpful - useful, modest - not large in size or amount, or not expensive, optimistic - always believing that good things will happen, outgoing - Someone who is _____is friendly, talks a lot, and enjoys meeting people., patient - having patience, reserved - not wanting to show what you are thinking or feeling, rude - behaving in a way that is not polite and upsets people, selfish - caring only about yourself and not other people, shy - not confident, especially about meeting or talking to new people, sociable - Someone who is _____ enjoys being with people and meeting new people., spoilt - badly behaved because you are always given what you want or allowed to do what you want,


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