1) When is the Summer Super Sale? (Unit 12) a) Sunday, the 23th of June b) Sunday, the 23st of June c) Sunday the 23rd of June d) Sunday, the 23rd of June 2) What is the discount for children's books and puzzle sets? (Unit 12) a) 50% b) 60% c) 10% d) 100% 3) How many hours is Mega Toys open every day? (Unit 12) a) 12 hours b) 8 hours c) 24 hours d) 10 hours e) 14 hours f) 1,000,000,000,000,000 hours 4) What can you get for free if you purchase a bike? (Unit 12) a) helmet and gloves b) COVID-19 c) FSMC d) a free bike e) pedals and wheels f) helmet and bell 5) What is the meaning of "solar system"? (Unit 13) a) a soul system b) a moon system c) a space system d) an Earth system e) a star system f) a Mars system 6) Is Mars hotter or colder than Earth? (Unit 13) a) hotter b) colder 7) What do we call special robot cars on Mars? (Unit 13) a) machines b) rovers c) cars d) bikes e) spaceships f) robo-trucks 8) Choose the correct spelling. (Unit 14) a) thief b) theif 9) Why did everyone love the parrot? (Unit 14) a) because he said, "STOP RIGHT THERE." b) because he was the police. c) because the bird tricked the thief. d) because he was good at mimicking sounds. 10) What did the footsteps sound like? (Unit 14) a) "Clip clop, clip clop" b) "Clop clip, clop clip" c) "Clip clip, clip clip" d) "Clop clop, clop clop"

Green Reading Units 10-12


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