SAFEDEPOSIT - Any valuables can be left in the ... box, KEY - needed to lock and unlock the room, APOLOGISE - I'd like to ...for what has happened. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again, SUSPICIOUS - If you see anybody who looks..., please inform security, FAULT - There was a ... with our computer but it's fixed now, OVERCHARGED - I think I've been ... (the total should be $10 less), CONTACT - Is there a ... phone number where we can reach you?, POLITE - Even if you're angry, you must guests, ILLEGAL - Using drugs is ... in this country, MANAGER - I'd like to speak to the duty ..., please, VERIFY - You can ... someone's identity by looking at their passport, UNDERSTAND - If you don't .... someone, ask them to repeat what they said, VISITORS - No ... are allowed in your room after 11pm, STRANGER - If a ... offers you a lift in a car, it's wise to refuse politely, KEYCARD - For security, every guest is given a... which has to be shown at reception, WINDOW - Make sure the ... is closed when you leave the room, HOTWATER - I'm afraid you can't have a warm shower because the ...system is not working, SWIMMINGPOOL - Children aren't allowed in the deep end of the...,



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