Thanks for your visit! - Right! It was great seeing you! Take care!, How's life? Awful weather, isn’t it? - Can't complain, but I agree. The weather could be much better., How are things? I absolutely love your bag. - So far so good. Thanks! I bought it yesterday!, So how about your husband? Are you two still together? - OK...I need to get going. Catch ya later!, How you doing? Haven't seen for ages! - Doing great. Yes! I haven't seen you for 5 years., How's everything? - Same old, same old. And you?, Your hair isin't in the best condition. Do something with it. - All right, then... I'm off. Laters!, How's it going? You're so sad. - Been better. Maybe a cup of coffee will help me., How's life? Can you help me with these books? - Sorry but... I need to get going. Maybe ask your friend. , and... this is my new boyfriend. He is a lawyer, he's got his own business and... - So... nice talking to you. Laters!,


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