1) any substance, except food and water, which, when taken into the body, changes the way the body works a) multi-action b) depressant c) monetary fines, jail time d) drug 2) drugs that affect a person’s Central Nervous System (CNS) a) caution, youth justice conference, drug education b) pressure, experimentation, escape reality c) monetary fines, jail time d) psychoactive drugs 3) drugs that slow down the activity of the brain and Central Nervous System a) depressant b) amphetamine (MDMA), caffeine, cocaine c) drowsy, loss of co-ordination, relaxed d) hallucinogen 4) drugs that speed up the activity of the brain and Central Nervous System a) multi-action b) alcohol, GHB, heroin c) drug d) stimulant 5) drugs that cause the user to see, hear and smell things in a strange way a) monetary fines, jail time b) amphetamine (MDMA), caffeine, cocaine c) hallucinogen d) alcohol, GHB, heroin 6) drugs that can have more than one effect on the CNS a) caution, youth justice conference, drug education b) pressure, experimentation, escape reality c) LSD (acid), magic mushrooms, ketamine d) multi-action 7) examples of depressant drugs a) monetary fines, jail time b) stimulant c) LSD (acid), magic mushrooms, ketamine d) alcohol, GHB, heroin 8) examples of stimulant drugs a) amphetamine (MDMA), caffeine, cocaine b) hallucinogen c) monetary fines, jail time d) alcohol, GHB, heroin 9) examples of halluncingenic drugs a) depressant b) LSD (acid), magic mushrooms, ketamine c) fear, disapproval, health d) alcohol, GHB, heroin 10) examples of multi-action drugs a) drug b) pressure, experimentation, escape reality c) cannabis, ecstasy d) LSD (acid), magic mushrooms, ketamine 11) effects of depressants on the body a) increased energy and confidence, insomnia b) all of these answers c) drowsy, loss of co-ordination, relaxed d) confusion, blackouts, agitation 12) effects of stimulants on the body a) all of these answers b) confusion, blackouts, agitation c) drowsy, loss of co-ordination, relaxed d) increased energy and confidence, insomnia 13) effects of hallucingogens on the body a) confusion, blackouts, agitation b) drowsy, loss of co-ordination, relaxed c) cannabis, ecstasy d) all of these answers
Year 9 Health - Term 2 - Drug Education - Quiz
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