anthropomorphism - giving human characteristics to an animal or inanimate object in a literal way, Maxim - a wise saying or proverb, stereotype - an oversimplification of a person or character, one that does not change, symbol - anything that is used to suggest or represent something else, connotation - the feelings and associations words stir up , lyric poem - a poem in which the author's feelings and emotions are expressed in a brief, musical way, Sound devices - the use of word for auditory effect, rhyme - the repetition of sounds at the end of a word, rhyme scheme - the pattern of rhymes in a poem, end rhyme - rhyming words at the end of a line, internal rhyme - rhyming words found in the same line, half rhyme - when words sound similar but don't perfectly rhyme, exact rhyme - when words rhyme perfectly, alliteration - the repetition of sounds at the beginning of a word, onomatopoeia - the use of words that imitate sounds, repetition - using words or phrases more than once for emphasis,


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