skills shortages - There aren’t enough experienced, qualified nurses in the public health sector., the housing market - Real estate sales have surged 38% since last year., organised labour - Not as many people join trade unions as they used to., GDP - The total value of all goods and services in the United Kingdom was worth 2522.26 billion US dollars in 2013., the service sector - Tourism is a significant wealth-producer in many countries., deregulation - In the late 1990s the US government removed controls over commercial banking., quality of life - Vienna generally appears in any list of the top ten liveable cities., privatisation - The government has sold off the national railways to a number of different companies, standard of living - High rates of taxation have drastically reduced disposable income for many people since the banking crisis., inward investment - Sony have opened a new plant in Vietnam which should boost the local economy.,

Economic Lexis 2


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