1) He was so ......................... - his face went brick-red . a) embarrassed b) embarrassing 2) It was .......................... how few people attended the party. a) embarrassed b) embarrassing 3) He didn't seem very ............................ in what I was saying. a) interested b) interesting 4) She's got some very ............................ things to say on the subject. a) interested b) interesting 5) It was a really ........................ match. a) exciting b) excited 6) Are you getting ....................... about your holiday? a) exciting b) excited 7) I was so ............................. when I got home from work last night that I had a quick nap. a) tiring b) tired 8) I've had a very ................... day. a) tired b) tiring 9) She gets ........................ when he shouts at her. a) frightening b) frightened 10) She found the film extremely .......................... a) frightening b) frightened 11) I'm ..................... about David. a) worried b) worrying 12) It's a very .............................. situation. a) worried b) worrying


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