1) The course was held on ? a) 1st March 2019 b) 14th March 2019 c) 30th March 2019 2) The antonym of afraid is? a) brave b) scared c) frightened 3) What will you learn from the course? a) I will learn how to say no to bullies b) I will learn how to be confident of myself c) I will learn how to stand up of for myself d) I will learn how to be bullies e) I will learn how to bully other people 4) Will you register for the course? Why? a) Yes, I will. It is because I can learn to be confident. b) No, I will not. It is because it is boring. c) Yes, I will because I can learn to be more confident. d) No, I will not. It is because I do not have enough money to join it.


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