1) The people showed … to the king a) Loyalty b) Furniture c) Practice 2) They had no money to buy … so they used boxes as chairs a) Furniture b) Loyalty c) Shelter 3) We used the tree for … during the storm a) Potential b) Shelter c) Revived 4) Don't worry. I'll take care of the children until you get back a) True b) False 5) When he finishes work, he'll go straight home. a) False b) True 6) She is … short a) too b) Enough 7) You are … sick to leave the house today a) Enough b) too 8) I have … days off to go on a trip a) too b) Enough 9) The apartment has a ……………………………… rug. a) old - Egyptian - wonderful b) Wonderful - old - Egyptian 10) Unfortunately, there are ……………………… curtains in the living room a) Ugly - velvet - brown b) Ugly - brown - velvet 11) The ……………………….. bathroom needs to be remodeled. a) Old-fashioned - orange - small b) Old-fashioned - small - orange


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