1) Hi Karen. What ___ you __ __? What are you doing? a) did / find out b) are / up to c) are / looking back 2) They were talking about it for a while, but I never thought they'd seriously ___ ___ ___ doing it. a) find out about b) switch off from c) get around to 3) How did you ___ ___ ___ this job? a) come up against b) brush up on c) find out about 4) It's been a while since I've done this. I have to sit down and ___ ___ ___ how to do it before I try. a) switch off from b) brush up on c) get around to 5) My mom enjoys ___ ___ ___ old photos with her siblings a) looking back on b) finding out about c) getting away from 6) I hate it when I am playing a video game and I ___ ___ ___ a very difficult boss. a) get away from b) find out about c) come up against

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