1) We've got a cat. ... cat is big. a) our b) your c) their 2) They've got a bike. ... bikes are red and pink. a) your b) our c) their 3) You've got a dog. ... is kind. a) their b) your c) our 4) We have got some money. It's ... money. a) their b) our c) your 5) They've got a computer. It's ... computer. a) their b) your c) our 6) We're classmates. It's ... teacher. a) our b) their c) your 7) They are brothers. That is ... room. a) your b) our c) their 8) You're boys. These are ... cars. a) their b) your c) our 9) We are parents. This is ... child. a) our b) their c) your 10) They are dogs. ... paws are short. a) your b) our c) their


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