/cheat on exam? Why/cheat?, /forgot somebody's birthday? Whose birthday / ?, /get a present you didn't like? What / ?, /do an extreme sport? Which one / do?, /study a foreign language apart from English? Which language / study?, /do volunteer work? What? , /send an email to the wrong person? Who / send it to? What / after?, /run a marathon or a half marathon? When / finish it?, /adopt an animal? Where / get it from?, /lock yourself out of your house or flat? How / get in?, /complain in a hotel or restaurant? Why / complain? What / problem about?, /have a problem with a phone company? What / the problem about?, /lie about your age? Why / lie?, /speak in public? What did you speak about? How / feel?, /lose your credit card? Where / lose it? / get it back?, /get to the supermarket checkout and the found you didn't have enough money? What / do?, /buy shoes without trying them on? / fit?, /accidentally take something from a shop without paying? What / take? What happened?, /try to change something without the receipt? / you successful?, /have an argument with a shop assistant? What / about?, /buy something online and had a problem with it? What / it? What / do?, /write a love letter? How old / you? Who / the letter to?, /have a bad experience on a plane? What happened?, /cook for more than 10 people? What / the occasion?, /speak to a celebrity? Who / it?, /win a medal or trophy? What / it for?.

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