conclude with - 以...結束, specialize in - 專營..., take steps - 採取步驟, express one's respect for - 表達對...的敬意, collaborate on - 在...方面合作, break down - 故障, familiarize oneself with - 使自己熟悉...., be outfitted with - 配備..., replace A with B - 用B取代A, be submitted to - 被交給...., commit oneself to - 致力於..., be divided into - 被分為..., attribute A to B - 把A歸因於B, qualify for - 有...的資格, charge to - 把費用記在...的帳上, restrict A to B - 將A限制於B, discourage A from B - 勸A不要做B, A is aimed at B - A的目標對象是B, dispose of - 處理...., respond to - 回應...,

Chapter 6 動詞慣用語1


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