1) Bromine is an element. It melts at -7.3oC and boils at 63oC. What state is it in at room temperature (22oC)? a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas d) None of these 2) Water is a compound, it melts at OoC and boils at 100oC. What state is it in at -12oC a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas d) None of these 3) Iron melts at 1460oC and boils at 2500oC. Predict the state of iron at 2000oC a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas 4) Sand (silicon dioxide) melts at 1550oC and boils at 2330oC. What state will it be in at 2100oC? a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas 5) Oxygen melts at -218.8 °C and boils at -183 °C. What state will it be in at -200oC? a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas 6) Coal (carbon) melts at 3 550 °C and boils at 4 827 °C. What state is it at room temperature? a) Solid b) Liquid c) Gas

Melting and Boiling Points Quiz


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