We're in the US. People here eat a lot of ____ and drink a lot of ____, both of which can make people get fat. In New Zealand, it is common to eat ____ and drink ____, especially at parties. In Britain, children especially like ____ , just sugar and additives, and ____. ____ of fruit and fish are common. In the USA, if your car breaks down, you might want to open your ____. If you're carrying a case, you'll probably put it in the ____ of your car. You have to think how much ____ you use in your car, because now it's more expensive than ever before, and it contributes to global warming. In NZ and Britain, we would spell it this way: what is your ____ ____ ? Mine is blue. If your have no car and it's raining hard, you would be lucky if your ____ gives you a lift in their car to the shopping ____. Let's talk about clothing in the USA. Something you can wear at night are ____. In the day, you might wear ____ and ____ on your feet. Do your pants have a ____ ?

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