1) What is your favorite color and why? 2) What is your favorite movie? 3) What is your favorite restaurant? 4) Name 1 item on your bucket list 5) Name 1 item you have crossed off your bucket list 6) What was 1 of your favorite vacations? 7) What time of the season is your favorite? 8) What was the 1st concert you attended? 9) If you could meet someone you admire, who would it be? 10) What was your favorite cartoon growing up? 11) What has been your favorite binge show? 12) Camping or glamping or resort? 13) If you won the lottery, but HAD to work a part-time job, what would it be? 14) Share a fun fact that we may not know about you. 15) If you could be a superhero, who would you be? 16) Sunrise or sunset? Why? 17) What do you like to do on a rainy or snowy day? 18) Name one of the jobs you had growing up. 19) What is the last project you did for fun? 20) What do you like to do in your free time? 21) If you could learn a new language (easily), what would it be?


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