1) What is another name for the Rh factor? a) A antigen b) B antigen c) D antigen d) AB antigen 2) Which cell surface contains the Rh factor? a) White blood cells b) Platelets c) Nerve cells d) Red blood cells 3) Jenny's mom is A- and her dad is O+. Jenny did a blood test and the result shows that she is A+. Which parent has the rhesus factor? a) Mother b) Father c) None of her parents 4) Jenny's mom is A- and her dad is O+. Jenny did a blood test and the result shows that she is A+. Jenny did a blood test and the result shows that she is A+. Who did Jenny inherited the gene from? a) Father b) Mother c) Grand parent d) None of the above 5) What disease can result during pregnancy due to rhesus incompatibility between a mother and her baby? a) HDN b) HTR c) Sickle cell anaemia d) None of the above 6) What below is not a sign of HDN? a) Anaemia b) Jaundice c) Brain damage d) Still birth e) Night blindness 7) When is a baby at risk of HDN? a) When a mother is Rh+ carrying a Rh+ baby. b) When a mother is Rh- and would have formerly carried a Rh+ child. c) When both mother and baby are Rh-. d) When a mother is Rh- and baby is Rh+. 8) Which statement is FALSE concerning the Rh factor? a) It is a protein marker found on RBCs. b) It is highly immunogenic. c) It is hardly found in the population. d) It is detected through blood screening or testing. 9) What treatment can be administered to an expectant mother to prevent HDN? a) anti-D immunoglobulin b) anti-A immunoglobulin c) Anti-B immunoglobulin d) immunoglobulin 10) Tessa is in need of a blood transfusion. Her blood type is A-. Which blood type can be a successful donor for her? a) A+ b) A- c) AB+ d) AB- e) O+ 11) Roger has O- blood type, who can he donate blood to? a) A+ b) A- c) AB- d) B+ e) All of the above f) O- 12) Which blood type is known as golden blood and it is the rarest blood type existing? a) AB- b) AB+ c) HH or Bombay blood group d) Rh-null


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