1) I ________work all evening yesterday. a) worked b) has worked c) was working 2) What ------------------------( you /do) when the accident --------------------(happen)? a) were...doing/ happened b) did...do/ happening c) did / happening 3) My sister------------------------(revise) while I---------------------------(write) my essay a) was revising/ write b) was revising/ was writing c) revised/ writen 4) Somebody ----------------------(come) when I -------------------------(wash) my car . a) came/washing b) was coming/washed c) came/ was washing 5) While the rescuers ----------------------------(look) for victims under the ruins , another earthquake ----------------(hit) the city. a) was looking/hit b) looked/ was hitting c) looked/ hit 6) My sister ---------------------------(listen) to music when Dad -------------------(ask) her to tidy her bedroom. a) was listening/ asked b) listened/ called c) was listening/ was asking 7) “-When----------------------------------(you/buy) your new laptop?” “-Yesterday” a) did...buy b) was... buying c) did .... bought 8) My friends --------------------------------(enjoy) themselves at my party when their parents -------------------------(arrive) to take them back home. a) were enjoying/ arrived b) enjoyed/ arrived c) enjoyed/ was arriving 9) We -------------------------------(watch) TV when Grandma --------------------(call) us. a) watched/ was calling b) were watching/ called c) watched/ called 10) Last night at 6 PM, I_____________eat dinner. a) ate b) was eating c) were eating d) eating

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