1) It is the (big)______ planet in the solar system. a) Earth b) Mars c) Jupiter d) Venus 2) It is the (near)_____ planet to the Sun. a) Venus  b) Earth c) Mercury d) Mars 3) It is called the Red Planet because of its reddish appearance. a) Venus b) Mars c) Saturn d) Mercury 4) It is the (hot) ____ planet in the solar system. a) Venus b) Saturn c) Earth d) Jupiter 5) It is the planet we live on and it is the third (far)_____ planet from the Sun. a) Mercury b) Earth c) Venus d) Mars 6) It is the (small)_____ planet in the solar system. a) Mercury b) Neptune c) Venus d) Mars 7) It is the (cold)______ planet in the solar system, but it's not the (far)_______ from the Sun. a) Uranus b) Saturn c) Mercury d) Venus 8) It is the second (far)______ planet from the Sun in the solar system. a) Venus b) Mercury c) Mars 9) It is the second (large)_____ planet in the Solar System after Jupiter. a) Neptune b) Uranus c) Saturn

FH4 Planets Quiz


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