1) Clownfish and Sea Anemones: where the anemones provide protection for the clownfish, and the clownfish attract food for the anemones to trap and eat a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 2) Whales and Barnacles: where the huge whales transport the tiny barnacles to plankton-rich waters, where both species feast upon the abundant microorganisms that live there a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 3) Woolly Bats and Pitcher Plants: where the bats hand inside the pitcher plant to hide and rest, whilst the pitcher plant gets nutrients from bat droppings that fall into it a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 4) Tigers and Jackals: where the golden jackals will follow tigers on their hunt for prey so that they can feed off of the tiger's scraps a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 5) Oxpeckers and Zebras: where the oxpecker birds eat parasites (like ticks) off the zebra a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 6) Humans and Mosquitos a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 7) Lions and Tigers a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 8) Wasps and Figs: If the fig is a male, she lays her eggs inside. These hatch into larvae that burrow out, turn into wasps and fly off, carrying fig pollen with them. a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 9) Sharks and Pilot Fish: where the pilot fish helps to rid the shark of parasites whilst getting protection against other predators a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 10) Tape worms and Humans: where tapeworms larvae can be ingested by humans, and as a result, live and grow in the intestines where they gain nourishment, while the human loses nutrients a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 11) Fruit Bats and Fig Trees: where bats eat the fruit and seeds from the fig tree a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 12) Strangler vines and trees: where the vine climbs the tree to reach sunlight, stealing its nutrients and strangling the tree a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 13) Birds and Hollow Trees: where the hollows in the tree provides the bird with shelter and protection. a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 14) Fleas and Dogs a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 15) Fungi and Plants: where fungi receive food from the plants; the plants receive nutrients and additional water from the fungi a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 16) Joshua Trees: who are in a similar vicinity of the desert a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 17) Influenza Virus and Humans a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition 18) Bird's Nest Ferns and Trees: Where the ferns grow on the side of the tree a) Mutualism b) Parasitism c) Commensalism d) Competition

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