1) The Atlantic Ocean was always a ____ to migration (Vocab) a) Intervening Obstacle b) Push Factor c) Pull Factor d) Impedament e) Opportunity Cost 2) Panda Express is a good example of... a) Globalization b) Intervening Obstacle c) Pull Factor d) Push Factor e) Quota f) Critical Distance 3) Crossing the Atlantic, then making your way to the West could be would have to be done as... a) Step Migration b) Critical Distance c) Intervening Obstacle d) Net-In Migration e) Inter regional Migration f) Forced Migraion 4) Transfer of slaves meant ________ for African countries (Vocab) a) Net Out Migration b) Forced Migration c) Net In Migration d) Inter regional Migration e) Circulation f) Brain Drain 5) Going to another country and hearing English spoken is... a) Americanization b) Globalization c) Emmigration d) Immigration e) Gravity Model f) Time-Distance Decay 6) If smart people moved to be with other smart people on the Silk Road this could lead to..(Vocab) a) Brain Drain b) Asylum Seekers c) Step Migration d) Immigration e) Globalization f) Migrant Selectivity 7) Gold in the Americas was a __________ during the Spanish Conquest a) Pull Factor b) Push Factor c) Brain Drain d) Migrant Selectivity e) Gravity Model f) Intervening Obstacle 8) Best example of Forced Migration a) Trans Atlantic Slave Trade b) Silk Road c) Crusades d) Africa Gold/Salt Trade e) Irish Potato Famine f) Westward Expansion 9) was an example of unauthorized immigration a) Imperialism b) Refugees c) Globalization d) Americanization e) Westward Expansion f) Silk Road 10) Colombian Exchange connected the a) Old World and New World b) North to the South c) Diseases to people d) Spanish to gold e) United States to North America f) Africa to Europe 11) People in Ireland became every thing EXCEPT_________________ of the Irish Potato Famine. a) Refugees b) Voluntary Migrants c) International Migrants d) Emmigrants e) Internally Displaced Person 12) There were 9 different Crusades. This was ________ a) Circular Migration b) Step Migration c) Gravity Model d) Distance Decay e) Space-time prisim f) Activity Space 13) Which country dominated the era of Imperialism? a) Great Britain b) Spain c) Dutch d) Portugal e) France f) Germany 14) Diseases like the Bubonic Plague need people to move so they can spread. This measures the... a) Gravity Model b) Time-Distance Decay c) Step Migration d) Brain Drain e) Migrant Selectivity f) Guest workers 15) Which event would be most similar to the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade? a) Westward Expansion b) Trail of Tears c) Migration from Latin America d) Silk Road e) Spanish Conquest f) Bubonic Plague 16) Gold and riches was a major factor in the.... a) Spanish Conquest b) Trans Atlantic Slave Trade c) Westward Expansion d) Columbian Exchange e) Globalization f) Americanization 17) How McDonalds has spread around the globe is an example of... a) Spanish Conquest b) Trans Atlantic Slave Trade c) Westward Expansion d) Columbian Exchange e) Globalization f) Americanization 18) Panda Express is an example of _______________ because another culture has spread to other parts of the world. a) Spanish Conquest b) Trans Atlantic Slave Trade c) Westward Expansion d) Columbian Exchange e) Globalization f) Americanization 19) Horses, cows, chocolate, bananas and other goods were spread around the world during the.... a) Spanish Conquest b) Trans Atlantic Slave Trade c) Westward Expansion d) Columbian Exchange e) Globalization f) Americanization 20) People moved to other parts of the United States during.... a) Spanish Conquest b) Trans Atlantic Slave Trade c) Westward Expansion d) Columbian Exchange e) Globalization f) Americanization


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