extremely thin - (C) The hair on his body was the result of malnutrition – he was ALL SKIN AND BONES., escaped harm, injury, punishment or death - (C) The small boy was so fearful for his life that he never went back – he SAVED HER SKIN by seeking refuge in the forest., a subject of disagreement between people - (B) Nature versus nurture is often A BONE OF CONTENTION between scientists and social anthropologists., controlled or looked after by someone - (A) Her fate was IN Marinda's HANDS, and after much reflection and soul-searching, she agreed to help., was frank and open about something - (A) One surgeon, concerned about using organs from death row prisoners, MADE NO BONES ABOUT his feelings., exist together and be connected with each other - (C) It also shows that while some personality traits may be the result of nature, nature also shapes who we are – the two GO HAND IN HAND., within reach, nearby - (B) Back in Brooklyn, Paula is happy to know her twin is CLOSE AT HAND, as they can see each other fairly often., moved suddenly as a result of shock or surprise - (C) After fighting them off, she almost JUMPED OUT OF HER SKIN when she realised that one of the ‘monkeys’ was a person.,

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