Are there any health benefits to drinking coffee?, Does coffee grown in different parts of the world taste different?, How important is coffee (or tea) for you in you daily life?, What's the difference between an Irish coffee and a Turkish coffee? Have you ever had a coffee or tea cup reading?, Do you know what fair trade coffee is?, What do you think happens when you overdose on coffee?, What kind of coffee do you prefer to drink? Instant or espresso? Do you like blends or single origins?, What's the best experience you have ever had sharing a cuppa with someone?, Are you a 'coffeeholic'? How many cups do you drink a day?, Do you need a coffee to wake up in the morning?, Do you like the aroma of coffee? What does it make you think of?, Do you normally buy your coffee take-away or do you prefer to dine-in at a cafe?, When did you last do to a nice cafe? Where was it and why was it so good?, Does coffee affect your appetite?.

Coffee Conversation


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