Shy - Nervous about meeting and speaking to other people, especially ones you don't know, Selfish - Caring only about yourself and not about others, Dishonest - Not telling the truth or always cheating on people, Lively - Someone who is very active and has a lot of energy, Polite - Behaving towards others or speaking in a corret way, Mean - Cruel, not kind, Outgoing - Someone who enjoys being with other people and goes out a lot, Reliable - Someone on whom you can depend, Tidy - Someone who keeps their room/house clean and orderly, Responsible - Someone who can be trusted to make good judgements and do the right things, Cheerful - Happy, behaving in a happy way, Sensitive - Easily offended or hurt by what others say , Loyal - Always helpful towards friends, boss, country, Helpful - Providing useful help to make something better or easier, Generous - Someone who gives money or time to people in order to help them,


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